Ephraim Suhir
Bell Laboratories, Physical Sciences and Engineering Research Division, Murray Hill, NJ, USA (ret); Portland State University

Thin Film Mechanics and Physics Shock and Vibration Analyses Shock and Vibration Testing Dynamic Response of Materials and Structures to Shocks and Vibrations Thermal Stress Analysis, Prediction and Prevention of Thermal Stress Failures Solder Materials and Solder Joint Interconnections in Electronic and Optical Engineering Embedded Systems Polymeric Materials in Electronics and Photonics Photovoltaic and Thermo-Electric Modules: Physical Design for Reliability Nanotechnologies and Nanomaterials Stretchable (Large Area) Electronics and Photonics: Physical Design for Reliability Lattice-Misfit Systems: Stress Analysis and Reliability Evaluations Technical Diagnostics, Prognostics and Health Monitoring (PHM) Vehicular (Automotive, Aerospace, Maritime) Electronics and Photonics: Design for Reliability “Human-in-the-Loop”: Human-Equipment-Environment Performance and Interaction Quantification of the Role of the Human Factor in Various Tasks, Missions and Situations Aerospace Human Psychology